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Welcome to Saservo

Saservo Pte Ltd is a sales organisation and is a leading provider in the field of test & measurement. Our sales solutions includes in the industry of aerospace , manufacturing , defense & radio communication .

In addition , we also provide technical , integration & industrial consultancy which adds up to our spectrum of variety to the services to be rendered. With our broad offering in this industry , we strongly believe this will add strong added value to our customers.


There are many varation of paissages of Lorem as the Ipum available but our majority have sufferied alterations in some form, by our by injected hsumour randomised worids which don't looks even slightly there as believable. If you going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum.

Darrell Steward Designation

There are many varation of paissages of Lorem as the Ipum available but our majority have sufferied alterations in some form, by our by injected hsumour randomised worids which don't looks even slightly there as believable. If you going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum.

Darrell Steward Designation

There are many varation of paissages of Lorem as the Ipum available but our majority have sufferied alterations in some form, by our by injected hsumour randomised worids which don't looks even slightly there as believable. If you going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum.

Darrell Steward Designation

There are many varation of paissages of Lorem as the Ipum available but our majority have sufferied alterations in some form, by our by injected hsumour randomised worids which don't looks even slightly there as believable. If you going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum.

Darrell Steward Designation

There are many varation of paissages of Lorem as the Ipum available but our majority have sufferied alterations in some form, by our by injected hsumour randomised worids which don't looks even slightly there as believable. If you going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum.

Darrell Steward Designation